Partner: Pastoral Social Caritas Coroico
Pastoral Social Caritas Coroico is a Christian organization, active in Bolivia. They strive for the integral development of people for the construction of a just society and solidarity, starting from the Bolivian reality, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of the poorest of the poor with a view to social, gender and generational equality. The extensive experience of integral development processes provides a good connection for FEMI to achieve its common goals.
Project Integral development of 7 village communities in Apolo, department of La Paz
As a follow-up to the pilot project completed in 2021, and taking into account the problems identified in the base-line conducted in 2019 in conjunction with the solutions needed to address them, this 3-year integral development project started in Apolo in early 2022. The project focuses on vulnerable groups such as farming families, school students, and women leaders who, in coordination with the local government, learn to apply measures aimed at adapting to climate change and exercising their rights in a framework of sustainable management of their natural and productive resources.